A Creator’s Guide on How to Get More Views on YouTube

A Creator’s Guide on How to Get More Views on YouTube

Are you an aspiring YouTube star wondering why your view count isn't skyrocketing? Or maybe you're an established content creator looking to take your channel to the next level. Either way, you've come to the right place.

Nowadays everyone and their cat seems to have a YouTube channel. Making your mark might feel like trying to be the brightest star in a galaxy full of them. But don't worry – we've got your back. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about how to get more views on YouTube.

From mastering the mysterious YouTube algorithm to crafting thumbnails that practically beg to be clicked, we're covering it all. Whether you're a newbie just starting out or a seasoned pro looking for fresh ideas, this article is packed with actionable strategies to help you grow your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Without further ado, let's dive in!

Mastering the Basics to Ensure YouTube Growth

Before we dive into the flashy strategies and secret hacks of YouTube marketing, let's talk basics. Just like you wouldn't build a house without a solid foundation, don’t start strategizing without learning the fundamentals of YouTube success.

The importance of YouTube views for influencers

Let's face it, we all love seeing those view counts tick up. But for influencers, video views are more than just ego boosters - they're your digital currency. High view counts signal to brands that you've got an audience that's paying attention. It's like being the popular kid in school, except now popularity pays the bills. Plus, more YouTube video views mean more opportunities for ad revenue, sponsorships, and collaborations.

Cracking the YouTube algorithm

Ah, the YouTube algorithm - that mysterious force that can make or break your video's success. It's like the invisible hand guiding viewers to content, constantly evaluating and promoting videos based on a complex set of factors. Watch time, engagement, and relevance are all on its radar.

The more viewers interact positively with your content, the more the algorithm takes notice. And when it likes what it sees, it starts showcasing your YouTube video to a wider audience. It's a digital snowball effect - the better your video content performs, the more opportunities it gets to perform even better. Crack this code, and you'll have YouTube working overtime to get your content in front of eager eyes.

Optimizing your channel layout

Your YouTube channel layout is like your YouTube home's front yard. You want it to look inviting enough that people want to come in and stay a while. Use an eye-catching banner that screams "you". Organize your videos into playlists - think of them as rooms in your YouTube house. And don't forget to spruce up your 'About' section. It's your chance to tell viewers why they should hit that subscribe button and like and comment.

Consistency in branding and posting

Consistency isn’t just about posting regularly (although that's super important), but also about maintaining a constant brand across your video content. Think of it like this: if your favorite coffee shop suddenly started serving sushi, you'd be pretty confused, right? The same goes for your YouTube channel. Keep your content, style, and posting schedule as reliable as your caffeine addiction. A viewer should know exactly what they're getting when they click on your videos.

Remember, mastering these basics is like learning to walk before you run. Nail these essentials, and you'll be setting yourself up for YouTube success in no time. Now that we've got the basics covered, are you pumped to learn the ins and outs of how to get more views on YouTube? Then buckle up, because we're about to kick things into high gear!

Crafting Compelling Content to Boost YouTube Views

Find your YouTube niche and audience

Ever feel like you're shouting into the void on YouTube? That's probably because you haven't found your people yet. It's time to get specific! Are you the go-to guru for vegan bodybuilding? The drum-crushing maestro of metal song covers? The master of building miniature dioramas? Whatever your jam, there's an audience out there dying to find you.

Dig deep and uncover your true passion, what you could talk about for hours without getting bored. That's your sweet spot. Then, imagine your ideal viewer. What are they into? What problems do they need to solve? What kind of content makes them snort-laugh in public? Get to know this imaginary BFF of yours, because they're the ones you'll be creating for.

Brainstorm video ideas that viewers can’t miss

Alright, you've got your niche and your audience. Now it's time for the fun part - coming up with YouTube video ideas that'll make viewers stop mid-scroll and hit that play button.

Start by peeking at what's already out there in your niche. Then ask yourself: How can I put my own spin on this? What hasn't been done yet? What questions are people always asking? Maybe you can explain quantum physics using only cat memes, or review the latest tech gadgets while suspended upside down. The sky's the limit!

Pro tip: Keep a running list of ideas on your phone. Inspiration strikes at the weirdest times - like when you're in the shower or waiting in line for your morning coffee.

Level up your production quality

Now, we are not saying you need a Hollywood budget to make great YouTube videos. But a little polish can go a long way in keeping viewers glued to their screens.

Start with the basics: good lighting (ring lights are your new best friend), clear audio (invest in a decent mic, trust me), and a steady camera (shaky cam is so 1999). Then, learn some basic editing tricks. Snappy cuts, smooth transitions, maybe even some groovy background music - these little touches can turn your video content from "meh" to "more please!"

Remember, it's not about being perfect. It's about looking intentional. Your viewers want to see the real you, just the best-lit, best-sounding version of you.

Incorporate trending topics and formats

Stay with me here, because this is where things get exciting. YouTube is like a non-stop carnival, with trends and popular formats whizzing by faster than a cat video can go viral.

Keep your finger on the pulse of what's hot. Maybe it's reaction videos, or day-in-the-life vlogs, or those oddly satisfying ASMR clips. Whatever it is, think about how you can put your unique spin on it.

But here's the kicker - don't just blindly follow trends. Make sure it still fits with your brand and what your audience expects from you. Nothing's weirder than a cooking channel suddenly doing parkour videos (unless you're cooking while doing parkour, in which case, respect).

Remember, trends come and go, but authenticity is always in style. Use trends as a springboard for your creativity, not a crutch.

Optimizing Videos for Search and Discovery

In the previous section, you learned how to make making awesome videos. Now you have to make sure they don't get lost in the vast ocean of YouTube content.

YouTube SEO fundamentals

Think of YouTube SEO as your personal hype machine. It's all about speaking YouTube's language so it can shout about your videos from the rooftops. Keywords are crucial, so sprinkle them throughout your video - in your title, description, and even in what you say on camera. But remember, we're not keyword-stuffing like it's 2010. Keep it natural, or YouTube might send you to the naughty corner.

Crafting attention-grabbing titles

A YouTube video title is like the headline of a tabloid. It needs to be so irresistible that viewers can't help but click. But here's the kicker: it also needs to actually match your content. No one likes a bait-and-switch, not even YouTube's algorithm.

Try this formula: [Intriguing Hook] + [What the Video is About] + [Why They Should Care] For example: "I Tried Drumming Upside Down for a Week | Crazy Challenge Results!"

Writing effective descriptions (including templates)

Think of your description as your video's resume. It's where you can brag about what's in your content and why it's awesome. Front-load it with your most important info and keywords.

And here's a pro tip: include a timestamp menu. It's like giving your viewers a remote control for your video - they'll love you for it.

Here's a template to get you started:

[Hook sentence about the video] In this video, you'll learn/see/discover:

  • Key point 1

  • Key point 2

  • Key point 3 [Call to action] [Timestamps] [Any relevant links] [More detailed video description]

Strategic use of tags (MVC Formula)

Tags are like little signposts telling YouTube what your video is all about. The MVC formula is like your tag-writing cheat code and it stands for:

  • Main keyword,

  • Variations of your keyword,

  • Category.

For example, if your YouTube video is about advanced drum techniques, your YouTube hashtags might include "advanced drumming", "drum skills", "professional drummer tips", "how to improve drum playing," and "drumming". 

Creating custom thumbnails (BOGY technique)

Picture your thumbnail as the eye-catching cover of a bestselling novel. It's your chance to entice viewers to your content like honey attracts bears. The BOGY (Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow) technique is a color combo that stands out on YouTube. (Remember, YouTube’s colors are red, white, and black, so use colors that really capture the attention.) 

Besides vivid colors, your thumbnail should tell a story, so include:

  • A clear, high-quality image,

  • Text that complements your title (not repeats it),

  • Something intriguing or emotion-provoking.

Remember, your thumbnail is making a promise about your video. Make sure your content keeps that promise, or viewers will quickly leave it.

Maximizing Engagement and Watch Time

Encouraging likes, comments, and subscriptions

Think of engagement as your viewers' YouTube adventure. You want them clicking the like button like, racing to the comment section, and hitting subscribe. But how do you urge them to do so?

First off, don't be shy about showing them the way! Sprinkle in some fun calls-to-action. Maybe a "Hit that like button if this video blew your mind!" or "Tell me in the comments what topic you want me to tackle next!" The key is to keep it natural and true to your style. If you're breaking down the intricacies of artificial intelligence, maybe skip the "Smash that subscribe button like it's a bug in your code!"

Pro tip: Respond to comments with the same enthusiasm as you would to a friend who just praised your killer playlist. It'll make your viewers feel right at home and eager to come back for more.

Using cards and end screens effectively

Cards and end screens are like signposts in your video, guiding a viewer to more of your awesome video content. Use cards to point out related videos or playlists during natural pauses. And your end screen? That's your chance to shine! Showcase your best content, ask for subscriptions, and maybe even throw in a blooper or two.

Remember, timing is everything. Don't slap a card on the screen right when you're about to reveal the secret ingredient in your recipe video. That's just mean.

Creating playlists to increase session time

Crafting playlists is like being a master chef creating a multi-course meal. You're not just serving up individual videos; you're curating a full-blown viewing experience. Group your content into tasty themes, binge-worthy series, or satisfying moods. "Mind-Blowing Science Experiments" or "Cozy Crafts for Rainy Days" – let your creativity run wild!

Optimizing for "Suggested Videos"

Want to show up in the "Suggested Videos" section? Here's the secret: be a good YouTube neighbor.

Create videos that play well with popular content in your niche. Is there a viral video about "Top 10 Life Hacks for Small Apartments"? Why not whip up a YouTube video showing how you implemented the most outrageous hack? YouTube's algorithm is always looking to connect similar content gems. If your content gets linked to one of these popular videos you may increase YouTube views lightning-fast.

Also, use similar tags, titles, and descriptions as the videos you want to be suggested alongside. It's like telling YouTube, "Hey, we're in the same club!" Just don't copy exactly – that's not cool, and YouTube might put you in time-out.

Leveraging YouTube Features

It’s time to unlock the full potential of YouTube’s features.

Using the Community tab for previews and engagement

Think of the Community tab as your YouTube channel's exclusive backstage area. It's where you spill the tea, share sneak peeks, and keep your fans on their toes between uploads. Toss up a poll asking what they want to see next, share a hilarious behind-the-scenes blooper, or drop a teaser that'll have them refreshing their feed like there's no tomorrow. It's your direct line to your audience - use it to make them feel like part of your creator family!

Incorporating YouTube Live streams

Going Live on YouTube is raw, it's real, and it's addictively engaging. Host a Q&A session, give a live tutorial that turns a viewer into a subscriber, or just hang out and chat like you're catching up with old friends. The best part? Once you're done, that live stream becomes regular video content. Talk about getting more bang for your buck!

Creating and optimizing YouTube Shorts 

A YouTube short video is your secret weapon in the battle for attention. These 60-second vertical videos are like chips - you can't have just one! Use them to hook new viewers, tease your longer videos, or show off your quirky side. Remember, in the world of Shorts, every second counts. Make your audience laugh, gasp, and keep visiting!

Promoting Your Content Beyond YouTube

Sharing on social media platforms

Promote your YouTube videos on other social media channels. Add video links on Twitter like you're sharing breaking news. Showcase your YouTube's greatest hits on Instagram. And don't overlook Facebook – it's the digital equivalent of showing off your latest project at a family reunion.

However, customize your approach for each platform. The joke that kills on TikTok might fall flatter than a pancake on LinkedIn!

Embedding videos on your website or blog

Think of your website or blog as your content's main hub. Embedding your videos there does more than just showcase your work – it creates a seamless experience for your visitors. They get to enjoy your content without leaving your site, which means they stick around longer and engage more deeply with what you offer. It's a simple way to boost both your site's value and your video's reach.

Participating in relevant online communities

Reddit and Quora, forums can be hangout spots where your potential fans are chilling. But remember, these places hate shameless self-promotion more than pineapple on pizza. Instead, be a valuable community member. Answer questions, share insights, and casually mention your relevant videos like you're recommending your favorite series worth binge-watching.

Collaborating with other creators and brands

Partnering with other creators or brands can significantly expand your reach. It combines different creative approaches and introduces your content to new audiences. Look for partners whose style complements yours but offers something different. This way, you're not just repeating what you already do – you're creating fresh content that appeals to both your existing followers and potential new ones. It's an effective method to grow your YouTube channel and diversify your content.

Advanced YouTube Strategies

Targeting Google search results

Remember, YouTube is owned by Google, which means your videos can appear in regular search results. It's like having a secret passage to a whole new audience. Use your YouTube SEO skills, throw in some keywords, and watch your videos climb the Google ranks.

Running contests or giveaways

Everyone loves free stuff, right? Running a contest can significantly increase YouTube views and engagement. It could be as simple as "comment to enter" or as crazy as "recreate my video for a chance to win." Just make sure to create clear entry rules and you're following YouTube's guidelines!

Creating a series to encourage follow-on viewing

YouTube video series leave viewers craving more. Whether it's a weekly how-to series or a monthly challenge, give your audience a reason to click on that notification bell. Before long, you'll have viewers eagerly anticipating each new episode, regularly checking your channel for updates.

Transcribing videos for accessibility and SEO

Adding transcripts to your videos makes your content accessible to a wider audience (international viewers), but it also gives search engines more text to munch on. It's like leaving a trail of YouTube SEO breadcrumbs straight to your video content. Plus, some viewers prefer reading to listening – now you're catering to everyone!

Analyzing and Improving Performance

Understanding key YouTube Analytics

YouTube Analytics is packed with juicy details about who's watching, when they're watching, and how long they're sticking around. Dive into watch time, audience retention, and traffic sources. It's like getting a backstage pass to your viewers' minds! You can access your channel's insights in YouTube Studio.

Identifying your best-performing content

Find out which of your videos are secret superstars! Look for patterns in your top-performing content. Is it the how-to YouTube videos? The silly skits? Once you figure this out, you'll know what your audience desires. It's like figuring out the secret ingredient in grandma's famous pasta sauce!

A/B testing titles, thumbnails, and content styles

Don’t be afraid to experiment! Play around with different titles, thumbnails, and content styles. Maybe your audience prefers punchy titles over mysterious ones or colorful thumbnails over minimalist designs. Keep tweaking and testing – it's the best way to find your winning formula.

Setting and tracking YouTube growth goals

Set goals for your channel. Maybe you want to hit 10K subscribers by the end of the year or boost your average view duration by 20%. Whatever it is, write it down and track your progress.

Paid Promotion and Advertising

Advertise on YouTube

The platform offers a buffet of ad types. You've got skippable in-stream ads, non-skippable in-stream ads, bumper ads, and more. Each of these YouTube ads has its own superpower – pick the one that fits your style and budget.

Creating effective video ads

The secret to great video ads? Make them so good people forget they're watching an ad. Hook viewers in the first few seconds, tell a mini-story, and always, always include a clear call-to-action.

Targeting the right audience

YouTube's targeting options enable you to find your ideal audience. You can target by age, location, interests, and even what kind of content they usually watch.

Measuring ad performance and ROI

Keep a close eye on your ad performance. Look at view rates, click-through rates, and conversions. Compare the cost of your YouTube ads to the results you're getting. And if something's not working, don't be afraid to switch it up!

Best Practices for Posting and Scheduling

Determining the best times to post on YouTube

Dive into your YouTube analytics to see when your viewers are most active. Are they night owls or early birds? Weekend users or weekday watchers? Once you crack this code, you'll be sharing content right when your audience is eager for it.

Maintaining a consistent upload schedule

Your viewers should know when to expect new video content, just like they know when their favorite show airs. Pick a schedule you can stick to, whether it's every Tuesday at 3 PM or every other Friday at noon. Be the friend who always shows up on time!

Using scheduling tools effectively

Use scheduling tools to set up your content in advance. You can plan out your content calendar, schedule posts, and keep your channel running like a well-oiled machine, even when you're off conquering the world (or just taking a well-deserved nap).

Building a Community Around Your Channel

Engaging with viewers in comments

Respond to comments, ask questions, and keep the conversation flowing. Show your viewers you're not just talking at them but with them. It's like hosting the coolest digital hangout in town!

Creating a sense of community among subscribers

Create inside jokes, give your YouTube subscribers a group name, or start traditions in your videos. Maybe you always wear a silly hat in your intros or have a catchphrase. These little touches make your viewers feel like they're part of an exclusive club. It's like creating your own little YouTube family!

Leveraging fan feedback for content ideas

Your fans are a goldmine of content ideas. Pay attention to their questions and suggestions – they might just spark your next big hit. Run polls, ask for opinions, or dedicate videos to answering their questions. It's like having a room full of creative advisors, all eager to see what you'll do next!

Common Pitfalls to Avoid when Growing Your YouTube Channel

Buying fake views or engagement

Purchasing views might look good at first glance, but it's all smoke and mirrors. Not only is it against YouTube's rules, but it's also about as useful as a chocolate teaspoon. Real growth comes from real views and genuine engagement. Stay authentic!

Neglecting video quality for quantity

Churning out videos faster than a factory line might seem like a good idea, but if your content quality takes a nosedive, you're shooting yourself in the foot. Remember, your viewers are here for your awesome content, not to watch you race against the clock. Quality always wins the marathon!

Ignoring YouTube Analytics and viewer feedback

Turning a blind eye to your analytics and viewer feedback is like ignoring a GPS on a road trip. You might end in the middle of nowhere instead of your intended destination. These insights are your roadmap to success. Use them, love them, and let them guide you in your video marketing journey!


Well, we've journeyed through the dynamic world of YouTube, from interpreting the algorithm to building your very own YouTube family. We've talked about crafting killer content, optimizing like a pro, and spreading your YouTube love across the internet. We've even peeked behind the curtain at YouTube Analytics and advertising.

It's time to put these YouTube strategies into action. Building a successful channel takes time and persistence, but remember that every view, subscriber, and comment is progress. Stay committed to learning and improving, and you'll be amazed at how far you've come. Your future self might just look back and wonder why you ever hesitated to start this journey.

Now go forth and conquer the YouTube universe!

Written on . Posted in YouTube Strategy & Tips.