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Find perfect brand matches
Discover paid brand deals
Analyze your performance
Craft custom media kits
Set the right prices for your brand collabs
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Get the most out of data to elevate your impact

Track in-depth data that you won’t see anywhere else including your fake follower %, audience interests, and overall account performance. Keep an eye on your progress and understand what content is performing best to maximize your growth.

Stay informed about your competitors

See how you size up against influencers in your field by revealing key account insights such as their audience, performance, and overall account quality.

Stay informed about your competitors

Save time on finding paid collaborations

View a range of deals from brands ready and waiting to collaborate, from gifted product campaigns all the way to fully-paid partnerships.

Save time on finding paid collaborations

Find out what brands to work with

Get personalized recommendations about brands you match with based on a number of indicators. Skip the effort of browsing through countless company profiles trying to find a potential collaboration.

Find out what brands to work with

Showcase your value to brands

Build a compelling Media Kit in just a few clicks and never worry about it again thanks to automatically-updating metrics. Create multiple copies with a unique edge to tailor your approach to different brands.

Showcase your value to brands

Up your game with free tools for influencers

Track the performance of your content, calculate ideal pricing for brand collaborations, and much more. Browse a library of constantly updating tools to add to your arsenal.

Up your game with free tools for influencers

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Join 135,000+ creators using our tailor-made tool today

Choose the right plan to boost your influencer career

Unleash your account’s full potential
Save up to 20%
/ month
$107.88 $86.28 for 1st year
1 influencer account connected
Full report about your account
3 monthly reports about other accounts
Statistics updates: Daily
Weekly insights *
Trending Reels search: 10 requests
Access to brand deals
Daily brand recommendations: 5 brands / day
Brand search: top 10 results
Auto-updating media kits
/ month
$288 $230.4 for 1st year
1 account
Full report about your account
10 monthly reports about other accounts
Statistics updates: Daily
Weekly insights *
Trending Reels search: 20 requests
Access to brand deals
Daily brand recommendations: 10 brands / day
Brand search: top 50 results
Auto-updating media kits
Customizable media kit covers and links
Talent Manager
/ month
$588 $470.4 for 1st year
5 accounts
Full report about your account
15 monthly reports about other accounts
Statistics updates: Daily
Weekly insights *
Trending Reels search: 30 requests
Access to brand deals
Daily brand recommendations: 10 brands / day
Brand search: top 100 results
Auto-updating media kits
Customizable media kit covers and links
* Fake followers report section, brand collaboration (Brand Match) suggestions, and weekly insights are currently available for Instagram accounts only.